Online Survey Results,, News (Huron Heat)

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Mar 28, 2017 | Ben Driscoll | 1246 views
Online Survey Results,
We have compiled the survey results from the online survey we sent out to families in February.  Thank you to all that responded, It helps give the executive guidance in moving forward to next season.

We are in the process of setting up online registration that links directly into OWHA web site. You will set up a secure online account to register your player(s). Making it easier for you to register in future years.  It will also reduce some of the workload the executive does to register players

58 people responded to the survey.  Below is the summary of responses to the survey.

Q1 - Interest in paying registration fees with credit card - the majority of families indicated that they would not be interested in this form of payment.
Q2 - Option of e-Transfer for payment of fees - 65% of respondents indicated that they would like the option to e-transfer or would use this exclusively
Q3 - Satisfaction with ice time provided in current season - 81% of families felt teams were provided with the right amount of ice
Q4 - Willingness to pay a higher registration fee for more ice - 47% would not be willing to pay more, 41% would consider paying more and 12% would be willing
Q5 - Base fee registration + additional fee for more than 50 hours of ice - 71% willing to consider this fee structure
Q6 - Shared ice - 41% are in favour of sharing ice for some practices
Q7 - Willing to do more fundraising for more ice - 64% are not willing to do more fundraising
Q8 - Willing to pay an opt-out fee to be exempt from organizational fundraising - 66% are in favour of opt out fee.

Comments in Orange text are taken from comments given in the survey:  On shared practice time: Summary : if we move to shared ice, only have teams share up until Christmas, and once a month should be the maximum amount of time given to shared ice.  
Executive response: There was only a few shared practices this past season. We may have to review shared ice practice options.  We agree that if it is to happen it would be occurring at the start of the season to try and maximize player ice time with the ice budget we have to work with.  Next year we will have to follow Hockey Canada new policy that mandates cross-ice and half-ice hockey for Initiation-aged players starting. ***Hockey Canada Policy

Fees are too high compared to boys hockey.
Executive response : We are price competitive with boys organizations in our area.  Girls hockey does not allow us to charge door /gate fees. In boys hockey a door fee is  used to pay for referees.  We have to add $150.00 to each players fee to cover referee fees. Huron Heat mandatory Fund raising fee for tickets is only $100.  Most surrounding boys organizations charge $200 -$300 for mandatory cash calendars and raffle tickets. 

When pub night was cancelled,  who won the Raffle ticket prizes? Where did winners names get posted:
Executive response: The draws were still held.  Cheques have been mailed out to the winners. The ticket winners names were all posted as a news article to the website.  If you go to Huron Heat home page and click on news archives, you will find it there.

There was 3 other general comments on ice time fees and fundraising:  
Executive response:  We struggled with fundraising this year. When we are committing families to fundraising events we want them to be profitable events.  We try to draw funds from outside the organization for the fundraising. We are trying very hard to keep registration fees as low as we can.  In order to do that we do need to do some fundraising. The executive accesses what fundraising events that are offered to us and try to make sure they will be worth your time to contribute.
The business community and a few individuals have been very generous to donate money this past year to help pay for player jerseys.  Going forward we will still try and pursue fundraising events that work best for Huron Heat families and our community. 