Jun 02, 2017 | Ben Driscoll | 1365 views
AGM, Wednesday, June 7, Blyth Fire Hall
The executive invites all Huron Heat families out to the Huron Heat AGM on Wednesday, June 7th beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Blyth Fire Hall.
We will be taking nominations and elections for new executive directors to join our executive team.
We currently require nominations for two executive-at-large positions. These 2 positions are being put in place this year only to allow for an offset in the 2 year term. Executive members are voted in for a 2 year term, we encourage a mix of new executive members coming on board to work with existing members so the new executive directors can grow and learn from the exiting executive members. This will allow for seamless transfers to occur within the executive team.
We will also have sign up sheets available for members to sign up for the following staff positions (staff members are not expected to attend all meetings):- Referee Convener- Equipment Manager- Player Development/Coaching Coordinator- Fundraising Chairperson
By taking on a staff or executive position it allows the Huron Heat to continually strive on growth and development of girls' hockey in our area.
We hope to see you there!