Return to Hockey Survey, News (Huron Heat)

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Aug 24, 2020 | executive | 6677 views
Return to Hockey Survey
We want to give you a quick update about the planning for the 2020/21 Huron Heat hockey season. Members of the executive and staff have been involved with many meetings with local municipalities and arenas, neighbouring hockey associations and the OWHA. It has been a painstaking process but we are working hard to figure out how everyone can have a safe and enjoyable hockey season.

*******Please take a minute to complete the survey that is linked at the bottom of this message *******

Here are some things that we do know:

  • The 2020/21 hockey season will be different from any season we have had before. This will include:
    1. the format of games - either 3 on 3 or 4 on 4,
    2. the number of participants in games,
    3. rules that will be used for games - no faceoffs, no or limited physical contact, etc.,
    4. the travel required to play games - all games to be played within our public  health unit,
    5. there will not be rep hockey 
  • Our neighbouring associations are going through the same thing as ours and we are working towards finding an arrangement that allows everyone to be able to play some form of meaningful hockey this season.
  • Whatever the season looks like for games we will be starting with some form of skill development for the first 2-4 weeks once we are able to hit the ice. This is a requirement of OWHA.
  • Drop off and pick up at the arenas will be different. We are working with the arenas to ensure that we are going to be able to get these protocols in place so that it is as smooth as possible coming to and leaving the arena. We will communicate these protocols to you as soon as possible.
  • Most of the arenas that we use are aiming to have ice available for use around the first of October.
  • There will be health screening and attendance for each game/practice throughout the season. This information will be kept by the Huron Heat and will only be provided to the arena and/or health unit if/when required for contact tracing if there is an outbreak at one of the facilities

Here are some things that we do not know yet:

  • The full details of our return to play protocols. This work has started but needs to be completed and then submitted for approval. As soon as we have the approvals they will be published.
  • The exact format of any games that are played. 3on 3 or 4 on 4, rules, etc.
  • How players are going to be assigned to teams. There are no tryouts until further notice from OWHA.
  • The arrival/departure protocols for each arena, including the ability for spectators at games.
  • The registration fees for the season. We are working on this but there are a few things that need to be determined before this can be finalized.

As with everything else related to Covid-19 things are changing often. We are doing our best to keep up with all of the changes and are preparing to release information to you that is as accurate as possible.

To help us with our planning we are asking everyone to complete a small survey regarding your current intentions about playing with the Huron Heat for the 2020/21 season. Please complete the survey by the end of the day Friday, August 28, 2020. 

The answers to the survey will be used by the executive to help determine ice time requirements. We do understand that people may change their minds for various reasons between completing the survey and the time that we will actually be on the ice and we completely understand. Each person is only able to provide an answer based on what they know at this time and as more information becomes available things can change.

2020/21 Season Playing Intention Survey
