Segment # 2 Registration, News (Huron Heat)

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Oct 09, 2020 | Admin | 7750 views
Segment # 2 Registration
We have almost made it through the first week of our skills and drills successfully. Part of that is because of all of the hard work that the executive and coaches have put into get things going. An even bigger part of the success is due to the fact our entire membership has been patient and accommodating while we have worked through all of the hurdles that were in our path as we prepared for the season. It feels good to finally have the girls back on the ice and we hope that every one of them is enjoying themselves.

Now that we have reached this stage we are putting the final touches on Segment # 2. Registration is now open and we would like everyone to complete their registration as soon as possible. Registration will be open until Sunday, October 18, 2020.

Huron Heat Registration Link

Segment # 2 will start on November 2nd and will go to December 31st. The fees for segment # 2 are as follows:

-          U7 & U9 - $225

-          U11, U13, U15 and U18 - $275

Note: Any player that is registering for Segment # 2 that did not participate in Segment # 1 will have an additional charge of $55 added to their segment # 2 fees. This additional charge covers their registration with OWHA/Hockey Canada and insurance for the season. Players that participated in Segment # 1 have already paid this fee. Registration for segment # 2 is not considered complete until payment or payment arrangements have been made with the treasurer.

The Huron Heat will make every effort to place all registrants on a team but in the unlikely event that all spaces are filled players that have made payment arrangements/payments first will be given priority in placement.

Segment # 2 will consist of practices as well as games against other associations with in our public health unit. Selections of pur teams will be based on prior years and the teams will be tiered by player level. Games will be played against teams of a similar level from the other centres. The loops for these games will completed soon and scheduling will happen later in October with games starting the first week of November.

Segment # 3 will begin on January 1st and run until the end of the season. The format of segment # 3 will be finalized in December and will incorporate any changes to public health and OWHA policies in place at that time.

If you have any questions or concerns please respond to this e-mail and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you,
The Huron Heat Female Hockey Association
