Huron Heat Photo Day, News (Huron Heat)

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Nov 17, 2020 | Scott Meyer | 7446 views
Huron Heat Photo Day
Huron Heat Photo Day will be held on Saturday, November 28th from 9am to 5pm at the Seaforth Community Centre (In the hall not the arena - DO NOT ENTER THE ARENA SIDE OF THE BUILDING), hosted by Picture Day Photography.

Please review the details provided below prior to arriving.
1) Please fill out your order form in advance of arriving. Cheque, debit or credit card payment is preferred.
2) Dressing rooms are NOT available. Players must arrive dressed from hockey pants and up (goalies bring their pads).
3) Please wait in your vehicle until your scheduled time.
4) Follow physical distancing best practices when lining up for your scheduled time. Masks must be worn at all times while in line. Players may be accompanied by one parent/guardian.

9:00am U9 Prouse
9:30am U11 Lammerant
9:50am U7 Wood
10:30am U11 Caldwell
11:00am U9 Mahon
11:30am U11 Vanstone
12:00pm U9 Calder
12:30pm U11 Smale
1:00pm U13 Taylor
1:30pm U13 Dalton
2:00pm U13 Anderson
2:30pm U13 Dykstra
3:00pm U15 Bernard
3:30pm U15 Ditner
4:00pm U18 Colquhoun
4:30pm U18 Robinson

Order form can be found here.
