Huron Heat Try-out Information, News (Huron Heat)

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Sep 13, 2021 | Shane Taylor | 748 views
Huron Heat Try-out Information
Hello Huron Heat Families: We are looking forward to commencing the 2021/22 hockey season and are excited to be getting back on the ice. As we start the season, we would like to review a few details to ensure all families are up-to-date on new requirements, upcoming ice times and the tryout process. 

Please be sure to follow the Huron Heat website regularly as the Executive will be frequently posting updates as we receive direction from the OWHA/local Health Unit/Arenas/etc. and all tryout details are posted online.  

Also please review the Covid-19 Immunization Requirements mandated by the OWHA posted on the Huron Heat website prior to attending any ice times. 

Tryout fees/Registration deposit

There is a one-time $50 tryout fee/registration deposit that must be paid before participating in any on-ice activity (open skate or tryouts). For those who have already submitted their registration deposit, you do not need to pay the $50 tryout fee. For those who have yet to pay, payment will be accepted in person prior to participating in on-ice activity.  


Payments by cheque or e transfer only. 

Cheques made payable to : Huron Heat FHA (there will be a $25 charge for all NSF cheques)

For e-transfers please email [email protected] to set up. We will accept e-transfers at anytime.
Password to use is heat2021

Open Skate

All returning and registered Huron Heat players are invited to participate in the open skates. The tryout/registration fee must be paid before participating. Open Skates are not a mandatory skate for tryouts. 


Players will need to sign in when they arrive at the arena to be assigned a tryout jersey – these jerseys must be returned after each ice time. 

A signed Permission to skate form is required for all players who did not play with Huron Heat last season. A permission to skate only allows you to attend tryouts NOT open skates. 

Tryout/registration fee must be paid before participating.  Tryouts for each age level are listed on the Huron Heat website and can be found by: clicking on Team Finder at the top of the main website page, then click on your child’s age group and select the level trying out for (Tier 1 or Tier 2), Under your child’s age group click on Team Menu and select Team Calendar. This will list ALL the Open Skates and Tryout dates for your child’s age group.   

New Divisions:
U18 2004, 2005, 2006
U15 2007, 2008
U13 2009, 2010
U11 2011, 2012
U9 2013, 2014
U7 2015, 2016

We look forward to seeing you at the arena!  
Go Heat Go!

Huron Heat Executive 