New Policy for Males in the Change Rooms, News (Huron Heat)

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Oct 26, 2022 | Craig Caldwell | 1158 views
New Policy for Males in the Change Rooms
Males in The Change Rooms

This policy is being put in place by the Huron Heat executive to protect all members of the organization and clarify entry to the dressing room by males according to the policies set forth by OWHA.

At the U7 age, majority of kids come dressed or need help doing mostly everything. It is strongly suggested that these players arrive dressed or arrive a half-hour early to allow them to get dressed and skates to be tied.  Dads and male coaches may be permitted in the change rooms provided that there are a minimum of two (2) adult females present, as per OWHA Policy.

At the U9 age groups where the kids may need a little help, only females will be permitted in the change room while the kids are getting dressed. Dads and male coaches may be permitted in the change rooms to tie skates after all the girls are fully dressed and a minimum of two (2) adult females are present, As per OWHA Policy.

At U11 and above, no males are permitted in the change rooms when the girls are dressing. Once the girls are dressed and if they are there with a dad, they will take their skates just outside the change room door where their dad will tie their skates and then they will return to the change room. Male coaches will only enter the change room, if the girls are dressed and there are 2 females present.

It is very important that if the father knows his daughter will need their skates tied that they not wander far from the entrance to the change room door so the player does not wander far searching for her dad creating an unsafe enviroment.

In U11 we encourage parents to start to teach their kids how to tie their own skates, with the hope that by the end of U13 they are able to tie them by themselves. 