Apr 27, 2019 | Executive | 1586 views
Tryout Game # 1
The following players are being asked to continue in the evaluation process.All players with a * beside their name are being asked to dress for the game on Monday April 29 th , 2019at 8:00pm vs Stratford at Goderich Maitland Rec Centre, Goderich. Please arrive 45 minutes prior to game time.Playing in an evaluation game does not guarantee a spot on the team. It is another step in the evaluation process.If your name does not appear on the list below, please follow the Tier 2 schedule.
If you are unable to attend please contact your head coach.
Adams Maeve *
Badley Jaimie *
Bean Brooklyn
Brooks Macara *
Burns Kyleigh *
Carter Giselle
Coultes Alycia *
Driscoll Kiara
Fleet Myea
Fleet Marley *
Gibbings Ava *
Hurley Olivia *
Huygen Lyric
Kennedy Abbie *
Kerr Sara
Masse Hailee *
Merner Lindsay *
Miller Lindsay *
Mitchell Claire *
Newell Jaime
Persin Ava
Potter Mercedes
Regier Sami *
Rivers Daerien *
Robinson Mya
Strome Abby *
Willie Paige *
Wilson Faith