May 05, 2019 | Executive | 2547 views
Midget A Final Roster
Thank you to all players that came out to tryouts. It is always a challenge to pick the final rosters with all the great talent on the ice. It has been great to see the number of players participating in tryouts at all levels increase every year. The executive appreciates the time you take out of your busy spring schedules to get to tryouts.
If your name does not appear on the list below, please watch for Tier 2 updates.
Adams Maeve
Bean Brooklyn
Coultes Alycia
Driscoll Kiara
Fleet Myea
Fleet Marley
Huygen Lyric
Kerr Sara
Merner Lindsay
Mitchell Claire
Newell Jaime
Persin Ava
Potter Mercedes
Robinson Mya
Strome Abby
Willie Paige
Wilson Faith